I have been very sick and in the bed for a week or so but I have managed to speak to Gasper frequently. Children are well. I have r'ced pictures of them playing, brushing teeth, and generally getting along just fine. We are looking at how we will feed them as the diet in Talawanda is only beans and rice. We know children will need many foods to grow strong. We do not have a store house for our rice, beans, sugar, tea and so on. Because of this, our neighbor has been very generous to let us use his store house. However, some did not know that we purchased all our own food and they thought the children were eating food meant for them. This caused a slight misunderstanding. So, we had a meeting and produced our receits for all the items. It was not needed to do that but we wanted everyone to understand what was happening. We have purchased a lot of food so we can be ready for the children. But as you might understand, for most, food is very scarce and you can see their reason for the question. The question was put to rest but there is a need for our own storehouse so in the future these problems can be avoided.
Our chickens have grown well. We have found 20 roosters among the hens. It was discussed to leave 5 in the hen house to keep order among the chickens. The other 15 will be taken as food for the children. If we take 2 chickens per week for the children, this will last for 7 weeks. Long enough for us to raise another batch that will be just for eating. We are well pleased with the results of the chicken house. We still have 10 little hogs also growing fast. They will be weaned January 11, 2022. We have 6 females that will be retained for breeding. The 4 male hogs will be sold to buy broilers to raise for food. Hogs damaged their pen knocking a hole in the brick. Gasper picked up a bucket to stick in the hole and a small cobra was waiting there. Fortunately the cobra had eaten something large and was not able to move well. He was killed quickly but we were again fortunate. This week another small black snake, we do not know what kind, entered the house with the children in the night becaue the rain was so much. He was killed quickly but now we must be watchful. We are trying to teach the children to be safe. This is very remote. It is bush country. There are many snakes. We cleared one full acre of all stumps for a play area for the children. We want them to play in this area so we can clear it of snakes and also because the children are loud when playing. We have one neighbor only. This neighbor is a bible school called Manna Project. So we do not want to disturb their teaching with our children.
We purchased a bag of seed corn HB513 that Peter will plant for the children. It is a Hybrid Corn and should do very well. We are working on their menu. We need funds for vitamins and bread each day.
Our van has taken a beating on the muddy roads. It has been stuck for days. We broke the lug nuts off the front left tire and several other mechanical issues due to the deep, deep mud. We must leave it there soon to transport the children to school but this is not the vehicle we need. We will only destroy it here. We need a vehicle like they use when the travellers go on Safari. We need clearance, a wench, and exhause that is up on the roof. Water is deep and mud is unending. Travel is next to impossible. We are getting here and there but at much cost to the vehicle. Also, there is much cost in time. It takes hours to get to Bogamoya so we can find the parts. When we get there, they do not have them so we must travel to Dar Es Salaam. This is not an easy or safe journey. It is as about as inconvienient as a day can be. We must leave our work to travel all day (spend loads on gas) and into the late night for a 5 dollar part. Unfortunately, that part holds the wheel on.