Since the last post, so many things have happened. I will not be able to write it all down. But just an idea...we have taken all children for check-ups at the doctor. We have been plowing ground and planting red bananna. We also have pineapple, corn, cassava and many other things planted. We have corn and pumpkins. Our shamba is very large. We are receiving many eggs. All the children are getting eggs two times each day. We are also able to share with our neighbors and we still have eggs to sell. We have planted Mtiwanyoka trees for snake, mosquito and army ant prevention. Children are all very happy and their health is improving rapidly. They laugh and play a lot and they are good to each other. We are constructing beds and a missionary house (10X12) (Tiny house).
Very happy that we have had good reports as the children begin their life here together. The report is we have no "hard thinkers." I think what they mean by that is no child is troubled by being here. I have spoken with them many times and it always makes my day. They smile a lot and act a kid should. I love to see and talk with them. We have purchased more clothing and shoes. Some of the boys have had to walk through deep mud to and from school. In doing so, they have ruined the shoes....I'm o.k. with that...sounds like my kids here. And they had no choice if they wanted to get home. Our van has broke down again. We have two flat tires and now we have a miss in the motor. Our van is not designed to do the work it is doing and we are in desperate need of a safari vehicle. Maybe soon we can have one. Until is rain season and even today our children walked home in the rain. They did not seem to mind but I can't complain when the shoes are damaged.
We were glad to have our home inspected by the local officials. Especially the village doctor. We wanted this inspection because we want everyone to know what we are doing and nothing we will leave in a shadow. Our inspection was good!! The only suggestion is that we add one more bed. Today that bed is being constructed.